

Training is offered on an annual cycle from September to May.

Learning events begin on a Monday. Most learning events take place over 2 weeks, include 2 optional video calls, and require 2 learning activities. Video calls are at 1:00 PM Eastern on either Wednesday or Thursday.

Plan to spend about 5 to 7 hours on core learning events and 7 to 10 hours on advanced learning events.

Core learning events lead to a Certificate in Northern Recreation Leadership Begins
RF101 – Recreation Foundations
September 16, 2024
RL101 - Identify Your Leadership Strengths
September 30, 2024
RS101 – Recreation and Sport System
October 14, 2024
RS102 - Get to Know Your Community
November 4, 2024
CB101 - Community Building
November 18, 2024
PE101 - Deliver Programs and Events
January 13, 2025
BF101 - Basic Recreation Finances
January 27, 2025
RM101 - Manage Risk in Rural and Remote Communities
February 17, 2025
PE102 - Create Positive Program Experiences
March 10, 2025
FS101 - Use Spaces and Places Creatively
March 31, 2025
RS103 - Values Recreation, Arts, Culture and Sport
April 14, 2025
RP101 - Plan for Success
May 5, 2025
Advanced learning events lead to a Certificate in Northern Recreation Management Begins
PM101 - Promoting Recreation
September 23, 2024
RM102 - Document to Manage Risk
October 14, 2024
RM103 - Understand Legal Risk
November 4, 2024
BF102 – Proposal Writing
January 13, 2025
BF103 - Reporting in Recreation
February 24, 2025
RP102 - Evaluation in Recreation
March 17 , 2025
SV101 - Find and Keep Volunteers
April 28, 2025

Contact us to schedule your custom learning events.

This is a staging enviroment